
She/Her | 25 | Bisexual


Hello! I go by Amm and I love BakuDeku! I rarely draw or write, but I am very loud about my ship when it comes to fangirling, key smashing, and retweeting content. (Beware of spoilers)


Although bkdk is my favorite, I am a proud multi-shipper! My other favorites include InaTodo, KiriMina, TodoBaku, and just DekuBowl in general!

Shipping pt.2

I am a multi-shipper, however I don't like shipping the students with the adults, despite my distaste, I understand it's all fictional at the end of the day and you will not catch me spreading hate.

Izuku Stan

I love him. Period. From the bottom of my heart this man owns my entire soul. I love Deku not only for his appearance and personality, but also for his mind. Not just his ability to think fast and strategize, but also his mind when is comes to Katsuki. It is very interesting and fascinating to me how Izuku can continue to admire someone who has bullied him for so long. It confuses the hell out of me but just as Izuku admires Katsuki, I admire Izuku.Also, he is insane and scary and I love that.

Why Bakudeku?

I was gonna try and keep this brief but fuck it, let's unpack the whole damn thing:Their development amazes me to no end.Let's start with the Deku side of things. So after Deku Vs Kacchan 2, Katsuki and Izuku become Proper Rivals™ and Bakugo begins helping Deku with his training and encouraging Deku to surpass him. This is where we see a more playfully smug, side of Deku. Which is an aspect of his character we have never really seen before. Also on the Deku side, Deku begins to become more confident and starts taking less and less of Bakugo's crap.On the Bakugo side of things, it starts to get more complex. After Deku Vs Kacchan 2, Bakugo begins helping Midoriya with his training as his way to atone for all his years of bullying. This is never directly stated but it's heavily implied due to what we know about Bakugo as a character. That being: he is a man of action. Sure Bakugo speaks with confidence and says whatever he wants, but when it comes to his own genuine emotions, things are different.In Deku vs Kacchan 2, instead of having a calm conversation with Midoriya, he begins fighting because he can't understand why All Might selected Deku instead of someone like himself. During the fight, Bakugo begins yelling some of his true thoughts at Midoriya, to which Midoriya replies, clarifying that what Bakugo mistook as belittlement was actually just Midoriya admiring him.Further into the fight, Bakugo allows himself to be vulnerable infornt of Midoriya, crying and saying how he feels guilty that All Might used the last of his power saving him and thus blames himself for All Might's end.This is a serious mental issue he should have went to an adult about. His parents, one of his teachers, or even a counselor/therapist. But he doesn't. The adults should have came to him but they leave him alone for some reason. And Bakugo reacts to his building stress the only way he knows how: through action. Specifically, by fighting Midoriya because guess what? FIGHTING MIDORIYA IS ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO BECAUSE ITS ALL HE'S EVER DONE.Even Deku himself acknowledges he is the only one who can handle Kacchan at the moment because he is aware this is all Katsuki knows.And let's not forget the weight of the nickname Kacchan. Yes, this name is wild when you break it down.According to Wikipedia: Chan (ちゃん) expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. In general, -chan is used for young children, close friends, babies, grandparents and sometimes female adolescents. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, or a youthful woman.So needless to say Kacchan is a very cute and childish nickname. You'd think Mr. Macho-McMeanie Pants would want Izuku to stop calling him that. But he never tells Midoriya to stop. It is never explained why he allows Deku to continuously call him that if he "hated" him so much, but I like to theorize that it's because he secretly liked it. Not even in a romantic way, just liked it in a sense of he liked that Midoriya may still admire him since he was under the impression Midoriya was looking down on him the whole time. So he let it slide.In chapter 284 of the manga, what bkdks have been saying since the beginning gets confirmed by Bakugo himself. That he was confused about how he feels about Deku, that he didn't understand Deku's self-sacrificing nature thus pushed him away and bullied him for it. All Might points out that he does actually care for Izuku and helping him train as been his way of atoning, slowly working his way up to an actual verbal apology.And in chapter 285, Bakugo's body moves on its own to try and protect Deku, directly paralleling to what happens in the first chapter when Deku's body moves on its own to try and save Bakugo.Yeah, I cannot make this shit up.


That's pretty much it. Like I said, drawing/writing is rare but I do it nonetheless. If you ever wanna chat, feel free to message me on my twitter, tumblr, or discord. (Minors, you can follow, but please do not DM me) I also have a ko-fi!